"Snowflake" was a mature Great Pyrenees mix that was turned in stray to the animal control shelter on December 16, 2021. No owner came to look for her and she was rescued by Canine Pet Rescue on December 20, 2021!
"Merry" was a happy Pitbull mix that recently had puppies. She was picked up stray by an animal control officer and brought to the animal shelter on December 2, 2021. Her owner called, but then never showed up to claim her. She was saved by DAWG Squad Rescue on December 13, 2021.
"Rocky" was a handsome German Shepherd dog picked up stray by an animal control officer on December 1, 2021. He was a popular boy while in the shelter and got 20 adoption applications. His owner showed up and claimed him on December 10, one day before his hold expiration.
Not every animal is happy to come to the shelter! "Krampus" was a decent feollow, but it took a little bit for him to calm down and give me a not-so-pissed-looking photo to post on the adoption website (obviously not the photo above). He was picked up stray on December 2, 2021. Someone emailed and said he was a "neighborhood stray", but nobody came to claim him and he was rescued by Pound Puppies N Kittens on December 8, 2021.
March 2025